“المبادرة الوطنية الأردنية لدعم المقاومة” توجه رسالة لبايدن ترفض الانحياز الأمريكي للاحتلال

“المبادرة الوطنية الأردنية لدعم المقاومة” توجه رسالة لبايدن ترفض الانحياز الأمريكي للاحتلال

عمّان – البوصلة

وجهت “المبادرة الوطنية الأردنية لدعم المقاومة“ رسالة إلى الرئيس للرئيس الأمريكي جو بايدن، عبروا فيه عن الصدمة العميقة والغضب من موقف الحكومة الأمريكية فيما يتعلق بالصراع المستمر بين حركة المقاومة الإسلامية (حماس) ودولة الاحتلال الصهيوني، وانحيازها الأعمى لدولة الاحتلال.

واستهجنوا المسار العدائي لأمريكا ضد الشعب الفلسطيني، مؤكدين أنّ هذه الخطوة، المقترنة بالـتأييد المعلن للهجوم العسكري الإسرائيلي غير القانوني والهمجي والقاسي المستمر ضد غزة وسكانها العزل، قد حفزت ونشطت الصقور العدوانيين المتعطشين للدماء في إسرائيل.

وحذروا من العواقب الأخلاقية والسياسية البالغة الخطورة للدعم الأمريكي اللامحدود للكيان الصهيوني، الأمر الذي سيسجل قادة أمريكا كمرتكبي نكبة أخرى للشعب الفلسطيني.

وتاليا نص الرسالة:

Excellency Mr. Joe Biden,

 President of the United States of America,

The White House,

Washington, D.C.,


 We the undersigned here would like to convey to your Excellency our deep shock and outrage at the US government’s stance regarding the ongoing conflagration between the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) and Israel. Although we are fully cognizant of the U.S. one-sided approach to this conflict since its inception, this time your, own stand stance, Mr. President,  brings back but in intensified fashion the vindictiveness, odious and repulsive memory of past pro-Israel U.S. involvement  into the Palestinian Question  ; something which has made us wonder whether we are dealing ,here , with  a supposedly self- ordained peace – broker or a contestant disguised as one ! Your zeal, Mr. President, to lead up this hostile course of action against the aggrieved party, the people of Palestine. This move coupled with your endorsement and the expressed support for the ongoing Israeli unlawful, barbarous and cruel military onslaught against Gaza and its defenseless population has motivated and invigorated the already aggressive blood- thirsty hawks in Israel. You, though occasionally, did refer to the two-states solution, yet such statements never being backed by concrete actions from U.S., thus turns out to be fatuitous. Therefore, when they were uttered, we have every reason to doubt the ingenuity of their authors; especially they were made but never meant to be implemented. But on the other hand, Israel`s interests are always given by U.S. government the pride of place and respected both in deeds first and words fellow after. This fact is certified by what we are witnessing nowadays in connection with the ongoing destructive war against Gaza. Israel is being provided with the most advanced, accurate and highly effective arms and munitions to be used against Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Concomitantly, you Mr. President and your foreign minister have been ardently trying to affect mass exodus of population from Gaza obviously under the guise of humanitarian considerations. From our side we are deeply concerned about this dangerous and highly explosive notion since we are convinced that the real purpose is nothing but a forcible emigration of Palestinians  as the context is amply clear for the people of Gaza: you either run away with  your  life and forget your homeland or you will face death by the overwhelmingly destructive military power . And the ultimate purpose  being the thinning out of imposing Palestinian demography for the Zionists` hidden dream of :Palestine empty of Palestinians, thus ameliorating  one of xenophobic right – wing Israeli politicians’ fear .

Mr. President,

The audacity with which your foreign minister brought this sinister notion to the attention of Arab leaders is enviable as the mere mentioning of it before an Arab interlocuter requires an unusual political thick skin ; yet it is very informing for us as it shows how deep U.S. leaders are involved into Israel’s designs which are aimed not only to disenfranchise the Palestinian people but to undermine the political and moral standing of the Arabs, officials and publics alike.

Mr. President,

You cannot be oblivious to the extremely dangerous  moral and political implications of such an attempt .Though it was borne dead ,yet your country’s name and that  of any body involved into such scheme  will be remembered both  in history and in the memory of future Palestinian generations as perpetrators of another `Nakba` for the Palestinian people .

 Mr. President,

We do not find it necessary to bring to your attention in details the reprehensible acts committed by Israel against the people of Gaza and indeed against the very existence of the Palestinian people before and during this horrendous military campaign.  Israeli leaders have said it loud and clear: There is no room for two peoples in Palestine; and we are confident that you are fully aware of this Israeli ultimate dangerous objective.  Indeed, the ongoing horrendous and horrific military campaign being persistently and methodically waged against defenseless population in Gaza implacable and severe as it is, is only a harbinger of what is in store for the people of Palestine as far as Israel is concerned. The military campaign being aggressively pursued is a clear–cut manifestation of this destructive political strategy of the incumbent extreme government. Therefore we ask ourselves the question wouldn`t U.S. support for  such perilous politico-military path espoused by Israeli leadership constitute a serious damage to  U.S. interests as well as its reputation  worldwide ,especially being a  superpower ; a status which brings with it a special  and definite responsibility toward  world  peace and security ; notwithstanding its image as defender of universal  human rights . How can one reconcile U.S. claim to be an honest peace broker between Arabs and Israel with such horrible acts of destruction and butchering  en masse of civilian population by  weapons and lethal munitions poured into Israel  from America  . The horrific images of indiscriminate killing of civilian population and burning to the ground of  large spans of area in  Gaza using  mainly  American weapons coupled with evident political  encouragement too.

 Mr. President, 

It is incomprehensible to us that you would accept that your name and that of the US would be linked to or associated with these heinous crimes as you are aware of that magnitude of destruction that has been brought upon civilians in Gaza by continuing bombardment day and night of all residential neighborhoods  and in every corner of Gaza which resulted in thousands killed , maimed and injured , most of whom were civilians including women , children , elderly and people with disability .These war crimes and the crimes against the humanity have been coupled with and confounded by  Israel denying entry into Gaza international humanitarian aid of  medicine, food and  freshwater and fuel supplies something desperately needed by  hospitals and the people who are  crying for help for long time by now .Recent  generations have never envisaged that there exist people among civilized nations capable of committing such atrocities .We are sure that such irresponsible deeds would weigh heavily on conscience individuals.

Mr. President,

 It is really shocking for us that you would accept that the name of the United States be associated with this carnage being carried out against defenseless people. Furthermore, legitimate questions are being raised about why would the U.S. approve, let alone, unreservedly support and encourage boundless destruction being carried out against Gaza? Why massive U.S. war gear and huge shipments of weapons and movement of strategic units made available to Israeli warmongers? Is it in the United States ‘best interest to enable killers in the Israeli government to revenge on Palestinian civilians or is it simply to help Israeli right-wing politicians vying and competing to expel Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza to make possible their ultimate dream of Palestine without Palestinians. Toward this unrestrained and ambitious harmful designs Israel, as you know Mr. President, is determined to appropriate all of Palestine. Therefore, it has been working ever since to turn what should otherwise be a temporary regime of military occupation into a prolonged or if possible, a permanent one of political sovereignty. At the same time thousands of Palestinian prisoners languishing in Israeli prisons in unbearable conditions for decades; some of them even serving terms for life for resisting foreign occupation while at the same time making life for ordinary Palestinians.

 Mr. President,

As if these injustices and grave violations of human rights are not enough to make Palestinian burst into fury  Israel decided to add  insult to injury by imposing a very unfair and totally unlawful, inhumane and damaging blockade upon Gaza since the year 2008 thus  restricting all normal travel as well as movement of goods persons in and out of the area.

MR. President,

 Hamas is a legitimate spokesman of the Palestinian people. It has gained this legitimacy by contesting and winning a majority  in open and free elections in the year of 2007. In addition, it has cemented such legitimacy by both running a clean and corruption- free civil administration. simultaneously it remained committed to defend the Palestinian people`s aspiration for  freedom and Independence .

 Mr. President,

  Although it is strange, yet it is oddly true that different elections and election calculations whether Palestinian, Israeli, or U.S each has brought in its own way tragic consequences to the Palestinians.   Palestinian elections has brought blackout out as Israel blockaded Gaza.  Israeli elections has brought  extreme right  government  and extreme right-wing elite vying for power through the competition for more destruction for the past against the Palestinians and US Government apparently is also taking its political stand on the issue of Palestine and the current standoff between Israel and Hamas with eye on the coming presidential elections. However Mr. President we are very hopeful that you will reconsider  such a stance and try to persuade the government of Israel to come back to censes and negotiate a total withdrawal from the occupied Palestinian territory and I let the Palestinian people to live in peace side by side with Israel.  We are still counting on the USA moral obligations and political necessities so that you will not deny the Palestinian people to exist free and independent in their own homeland as one of the many injustices   brought upon them so far by the Israeli foreign occupation is reason enough to send people not only into fury but to do and commit unlikely acts. However what Palestinians did is only trying to exercise their legitimate rights for freedom and dignity.

Thank you Mr. President

Signed National Initiative for Democracy & Freedom

Amman, Jordan

17 October, 2023       

م. مروان الفاعوري ، أ. امجد المجالي، أ. سالم فلاحات، أ. زكي بني رشيد، د. محمد الحلايقة، الفريق.م. موسى العدوان، د. علي الحباشنة، أ. موسى بريزات، د. عاصم العمري ، الكاتب عدنان الروسان ، د. عبد الرزاق بني هاني، المهندسة هناء هلسه، م. سعد العلاوين، المحافظ سامح المجالي، الشيخ عاطف عطيوي المجالي، الدكتور صالح الجبور، الاب مروان طعامنة،  اللواء.م. محمد العتوم، العميد.م. هاني العموش، اللواء.م. فايز الدويري، الدكتور احمد عويدي العبادي، النائب السابق طارق خوري، الشيخ عبد العزيز نايف الخريشا، السيد عاطف قعوار، السيد بسام بدارين.

إطلاق المبادرة الوطنية الأردنية لدعم المقاومة

وكانت مجموعة من الشخصيات السياسية والحزبية والوطنية والعشائرية، اليوم الثلاثاء، “المبادرة الوطنية الأردنية لدعم المقاومة“، في إطار حملات التضامن مع الشعب الفلسطيني والمقاومة الفلسطينية في وجه ما يتعرض له من ظلم صهيوني غاشم يقف العالم صامتا أمامه.

وبحسب القائمين على المبادرة فهي تمثل هيئة شعبية تقف إلى جانب الحق والعدالة لتثمن عالياً الجهود والمواقف النبيلة والقومية الصادقة تجاه دعم ومساندة القضية الفلسطينية.

وأكدت على أنّ المواقف الثابتة ودعم المقاومة في قطاع غزة، يجب أن تستمر من أجل حصول الشعب العربي الفلسطيني على حقه في الحرية والاستقلال على ثرى ترابه الوطني.

ووجهت المبادرة عددا من الرسائل لقادة العالم للمطالبة برفع الظلم عن الظلم عن الشعب الفلسطيني المحاصر في غزة ووقف آلة الحرب الصهيوني الإجرامية.


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